"When you're manic you feel as though there is a force working for you."
That is an excerpt from my journal, written during a manic period on November 22nd, 2010. Shortly after writing this, I wrote down some theories that I found very interesting reading while stable. Here they are, unedited. (name of person who I am quoting in my personal life has been taken out, for personal reasons) :
"We are people.
"mental illness is an excuse for people to do bad in life"
What [anonymous] meant is completely different from the way I see it now. Mental illness is and excuse for people to do bad in "life"
But it's not the mentally ill who make the excuses.
Who are we to know exactly what "life" is? In our world, life and society are oxymorons and synonyms simultaneously.
How ignorant of a species are we to claim that we know what life is?
Man created society + once we tried to impose it on people, sh*t went down, and will always go down once the domino effect begins."
I then proceed to draw a diagram that essentially demonstrates that every major revolution (mainly industrial and scientific) has been followed by plagues. I am by no means a historian."HIST 1050/1130" is referring to textbooks from University. This is simply what I wrote at the time.
It is my personal policy not to include quotes unless I can provide the exact quote from my journal. Here is where it becomes a bit more clear:
"Agricultural revolution in 1200s---->Bubonic plague:
1. We know they came from rats, we know what it did to our body, but no one know exactly why 1348-1350 (I think-pretty positive it was then, check HIST 1050 or 1130?) had such an extreme loss of life.
Industrial Revolution in 1800s------>Spanish Influenza
2. We know it attacked people w strong immune systems. But no one knows why.
why did they call it the spanish flu?"
I continue:
"What if mental illness is nature's way of evening out all the bullsh*t that our species has done?
Mental illness doesn't discriminate,
What if humans are the virus and mental illness is the antibody?
Animals respond to things. We clearly aren't responding to the bullsh*t around us so maybe she decided to mix things up a bit."
I close with this:
"Without Joan of Arc's "manic episode", would the 100 years war ever ended?
what would our world be like now?"
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